Fixed wrong interior detection for some places and bugs in directional and ambient lighting not working at some conditions. Added shadows from clouds and automatic directional ambient calculation now depends from this kind of shadows. V0.317: Added detailed shadow effect, currently it's can't be tweaked. Maybe after Bethesda will stop patching game, i'll fix artifacts and if this effect worth to use in this game. V0.322: Added experimental skylighting effect, it is buggy yet. V0.344: Increased performance up to 10% by reducing cpu bottleneck when many objects visible on the screen. V0.355: Added new ao type with self intersecting and increased performance of ssao/ssil effect. To use parallax displacement feature, use textures with alpha channel height map. V0.382: Added water parameters and effects of castics, dispersion, parallax, sun scattering. V0.384: Added screen space reflections, improving existing in-game effect and reflection blurring factor for water. Fixed invalid interior detection in some places. Added reflection flatness parameter for water. V0.385: Added bloom thresold and scale to Params01 of enbeffect.fx shader. Fixed water shoreline bug when subsurface scattering enabled. POSTING THE ENBSERIES BINARY FILES ON NEXUS SITES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDĪdded specular parameters to category.