It's a slow build, but slaps hard and is the perfect background track during combat.
Reviewers' Talk: Mass Effect 3, the ending, the narrative, the controversy. "Every wonder encountered shall be Utilised," - Part 1. Ultron is spawned into Mass Effect, He was a AI built by the Illusive Man in order to Help Humanity, but betrayed him due to thinking organic life is the problem, We'll use different versions of Ultron here, 1. This is my first ever published fanfiction, I hope you enjoy: (Beware spoilers for the Mass Effect Trilogy if you haven’t played em, my apologies to people who’ve only played Andromeda) Shepard finally woke, and her gun arm was numb. The plot lines of Mass Effect take Commander Ryn Shepard through life, death, trauma, heroism, and everything in between. According to my survey, Mass Effect 2 is the best by far. Mass Effect 3 didn’t deliver on Explanation, because the end was goofy vague science magic nonsense. 9%, and the original Mass Effect received 21. All stories not concentrating on romance. WI: Ultron (Marvel) was in Mass Effect. That M rating is there for language, violence, and potentially some sexual content further on down the road. Chapters: 11 - Words: 54,558 - Reviews: 532 - Favs: 1,660 - Follows: 2,256 - Updated: 8 A Halo and Mass effect crossover. It received 56% of the vote, while Mass Effect 3 received 22. Homeworld Chapter 2, a mass effect fanfic | FanFiction. Mass Effect The Equestrian Equation: Mass Effect and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Crossover. Hammerhand, and its sequel Angels of the Storm, are a pair of Mass Effect / Warhammer 40K crossovers by Colonel-Mustard1990. This page of IGN's Mass Effect 3 wiki guide is all about the Priority: Rannoch Mission. In another scenario the series would have ditched the Reapers completely after ME1, as that way ME2 could remain the badass-recruting and collector-stomping Sign up today to receive the latest Mass Effect news, updates, behind-the-scenes content, exclusive offers, and more (including other EA news, products, events, and promotions) by email, and get exclusive in-game items just for signing up.